Our Story - Nuestra Historia
Our mixture of many cultures and races has given us the opportunities to understand that our origin is not significant, since originality and uniqueness makes each of us special in our own ways. Our parents thought us that in order to be successful in all aspects of our life, respect and caring are essential in reaching that goal. Our primary purpose is not only to serve our clients that we see on a regular basis, but also to create a family environment where everyone can trust, believe, and realize that our most important objective is to develop the ultimate and premier treatment for your needs.
Nuestra mezcla de varias culturas y razas nos ha dado la oportunidad de entender que nuestro origen es insignificante, ya que nuestra originalidad y diferencias nos hacen especial a cada uno de nosotros. Nuestros padres nos inculcaron que para hacer exitosos, el respeto y el cuidado a nuestro prójimo son partes esenciales para obtener esa meta. Nuestro primordial propósito como organización no es solo servir a los mismos clientes, si no crear un ambiente familiar donde puedan confiar, creer, y realizar que nuestro más importante objetivó es desarrollar el más eficaz tratamiento para cada persona que necesite de nuestras especialidades.
Our Team Nuestro Equipo
Our team consist of professionals who have experienced many years in the medical & managing fields ranging from schools in California, Florida, Mexico, and even the Caribbean region. Focused in providing the best possible services to of our communities, environment, clients, friends, family and everyone that we can service and help.
Nuestro equipo consiste de profesionales con muchísima experiencia en la industria médica y gerencia en áreas de California, Florida, México, y hasta áreas del Caribe. Enfocados en proveer los mejores servicios para el porvenir de nuestra comunidad, ambiente, clientes, amigos, familia y al que podamos servirle y asistir.

Dr. Mimi
Founder & CEO
Graduated as Naturopathic Doctor in 2005- Specializing in the following practices; Chiropractic, Colon Hydrotherapy, Neural Therapy, Acupuncture, Massage Therapy, Magneto Therapy, Ozone Therapy, Certified Emotional Consultant, Certified Natural Health Counselor, 8yrs. specializing in Pre/Post Operations of Esthetic Procedures, & over 10yrs. of Physical Therapy specialization. UCLA/UNAM Medicine School. World traveler, fine dining, reading & research development, community-charity services.

Richard Baltodano
CFO/VP Operations
Professional experiences in different industries with many years of successful and outstanding achievements ; Telecom, Real Estate & Investments/Acquisitions, Health Care. A graduate of the University of Miami & Miami Dade Community College. A sport fan, traveler, photography, arts, research/studies & community volunteer.

Our Customer Service
Our team members are a great addition to our organization. They are willing to go the extra mile to meet your demands, our vision & goals, and are consider to be an important part of our success, while being instrumental in providing a premier and unparalleled customer service.
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If you need additional information about product, pricing, availability, please contact us at our email. Thank You
Si necesita información adicional, por favor comuníquese a nuestro email/correo electrónico. Gracias